Friday, July 28, 2006

Okay, M.R.I. over

Okay, kids, M.R.I. is now history. I went, they M.R.I.'d and then x-rayed. I won't know anything until August 15th. I was hobbling out of there by the end of it though. Geezy whiz! 80 minutes, one position and for the first twenty no swallowing. Okay, okay, okay....I agree....I'm a baby (but it still hurt). So end of post, end of story. It is over.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Dr. Visit

Well, the new doc is okay, I guess. I'm going to have a MRI of the T, C, and L spine. I have to be checked in at 9:15 on July 28th. I go to my followup appointment with Dr. Riesen on August 15th. He thinks my problems are arthritic, Dr. Jonna seems to think it may be a bit of both. A little arthritic and a little back. We'll just have to wait to see. Stay tuned. Personally, if I had to wish for one or the other, I'd pick arthritis...not that that is a cake walk either, but they won't want to operate, for sure.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Medical Problems

For those who don't know, I am on a leave from my job due to problems I am having with my back. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and will proceed from there. I began having problems with my back when I went back to work. The sides of legs began to hurt and I thought after doing nothing and then doing the equivalent to 6-8 hours of aerobics, it was muscular. Well, after 10 weeks and the pain is in the same spots and is worsening instead of getting better, and with the addition of shooting pains now on the insides of my legs as well as toes going numb coupled with the back pain, I finally get it. I'm not actually THAT out of shape and something must be awry. It hurts to stand, initially, and then gets better once I get over the first few steps. It was 10 weeks ago that I went to work and, like I said, symptoms are worsening. Symptoms of what exactly? I don't know. So stay tuned for blood work and anything else this doctor decides to do to me tomorrow. I probably won't know anything for a few weeks though. So keep your fingers crossed.