Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The "F" word, not THAT one! Fibromyalgia, silly

Okay, we have a diagnosis. The doctors say I have Fibromyalgia. All I can tell you about it is it is brought on by stress, or so they believe. It causes aches and pains in the muscles surrounding the joints. They explained it to me as a sort of arthritis of the muscles. Headaches, lotsa headaches. Tiredness, lotsa tiredness. When I "overdo" I'm exhausted for about three days afterward. I have to get a treadmill as I have to exercise 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week as I am able. Some days I won't be able, but when I'm re-energized, then I have to resume. I'm having bladder problems, pelvic pain, neck and back pain, hand and elbow pain, knee and foot pain. It's fun....NOT. I have to go back to the rheumatologist in 6 weeks and the internist on September 18th. I'll keep you posted if there's anything to tell, other than that, it doesn't go away, you or I just have to learn how to deal with it and what the limits are.


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